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Showing posts with the label HTC

HTC One (M8) got the Looks and Brains

The HTC One (M8) seems to be making quite a wave in the market. I don't know about you guys but I'm the Transformer-and-Iron Man kinda guy and the latest android smartphone is sure giving me the good butterflies.  The sleek chrome-metal design is awesome. But that is just part of the looks. You have to see the brains here.  The M8 is built on the award-winning HTC One. The mobile phone comes with something that hasn't been around in focus for sometime now since Sony Ericsson went of the market year ago: optimum audio functionality that we so miss in smartphone nowadays.  Music and audio functionality in most phones today are practically designed only for headsets or earphones. Meaning, playing music from your phone without using the headsets don't sound as 'premium' as you expected. The new HTC just might be trying to shift the shelves with a different pitch this time other than the usual big-optimized-camera-MP way.  Here's why the audio capab