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UK company makes App that earns you real gold. Seriously!

(Source: ) Yes, and this doesn't seem to be one of those earn-gold-online internet scams that earn you a Lamborghini by taking a survey. There's a new mobile app that players can play to earn gold - yes, real gold. When I read the story on Mirror.UK, I was astounded. I went over to the website of Dig That Gold , the app, and found it was up. However, for android users, you may have to wait for a little while. The app is on for iPhones for now but the little button says its coming for android phone users too. Here's the news straight from Mirror.UK A new mobile phone game has been created where players can earn real gold bars delivered to their door. The free app called Dig That Gold has been released by a UK company and allows players to ‘earn’ real gold rewards. The real gold, worth up to £700, comes in the form of 24 carat bars The game’s makers, tech firm Project M, says anyone can earn the bars if they put in the time on the game - an importa