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Showing posts with the label Overview of Sony Xperia ion

Overview of Sony Xperia ion: Adroit Android

A casual review of the Xperia ion - Sony Mobile's latest member of the Android-based Xperia smartphone series - shouts PREMIUM in many a way. The smartphone seems to be big in specs, design (oh well, frankly all the Xperias seem to look pretty similar to me) and big in space. Storage I mean. The Xperia ion was launched in India Tuesday, August 21 and it is generating quite a lot of interest - mainly because of its 12 Megapixel, HD, fast and front-facing camera, I suppose. But there are a lot more to this new Xperia member than its looks. Lets have a look at what the mobile device has for us. Sony Xperia ion The Xperia ion is a premium HD Android smartphone boasting of a not-so-small 4.6” touchscreen screen and comes in two colors, black and red. The HD capability of the ion gives you HD experience when you watch movies, TV shows or even your own videos in crisp, no-jagged-edges, razor sharp clarity in a 4.6” HD Reality Display. With light-reflection features, images stay c