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Showing posts with the label Useful iPhone Accessories

Useful iPhone Accessories 2014 (and they are cool too!)

Oh, all right. You have probably come across internet software or web goodies promising you the best experience since buying your iPhone. Some are so weird you’d probably think they couldn’t possibly be useful in the first place. No way are you not going to hunt for a bargain on impractical gadgets. Choices everywhere, eh? Think Again. I am not talking about the top-sellers, or the best application handlers for the good old Smartphones. I am talking about the coolest yet entirely practical, helpful iPhone accessories you ever saw – or needed. For reasons of convenience, mobility, contextual application, technology, and of course for pleasure, these are the top gadgets in my list.     Some of them here total winners. Some are plain weird, but highly practical. Some are cute. They all share a ‘specification’ though: all of them are practical, reliable and highly esoteric gadgets and accessories, I assure you. They will make you stand out from the apple crowd.  Check these new g