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Showing posts with the label Samsung Galaxy S III Price USA

Samsung Galaxy S III ( or galaxy S3) Price USA

Touted as the "iPhone killer", the Samsung Galaxy SIII (or Galaxy S3)  has been launched in the United States and at a not-too-scary-price. The Galaxy S III USA price is average $250 to $340. It varies, particularly for the 32GB model, according to carriers. For instance, Sprint is selling it for approximately $249.99 while T-Mobile has tagged it $329.99. I'm not too sure about whether the mobile phone would put up that much of a fight. There are many reasons: For instance look at the iPhone 4. The iPhone 4 is 16GB for $199, 32GB for $299, 64GB for $399 but the Samsung S3, by all measure is a bit hard on the wallets when the technology, user experience and the overall device isn't exactly better than the incredible iPhone (read smart, easy and 'relevant' interface). Samsung Galaxy S3