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Showing posts with the label Sony Xperia Z2

Xperia Z2: The Smartphone with the “world’s best” camera and battery?

The soon-to-be-released-worldwide Xperia Z2 from Sony Mobile is being touted increasingly as the android Smartphone you ought to get your hands on.  While I am aware that marketers have great PR teams that make ugly, and “dumb” mobile devices look like they were the best thing that happened to technology. In this case, though, I’m really interested in Sony’s latest android device. For starters, it comes with the right features – and by ‘right’, I mean it has got three of what every phone user wants in his device – super HD and anti-blur imaging, superfast processor and long battery life.  Sony unabashedly claims that the Xperia Z2 is the “world’s best camera and camcorder in a waterproof Smartphone.”  The Xperia Z2's a real beauty if you consider its skin Price The android device is expected to be released May, 2014 – this month. And what is its price? UK Price: £545 approximately (without contract) US Price: $ 600 approximately (witho